Register Your Warranty

Enter your information below to activate your complimentary 1-year extended warranty.

The Fine Print

The registered 1-year warranty takes effect starting on the day of purchase. During the warranty period, if any defects arise from materials or the product process, we will replace the parts or the whole product according to the specific circumstances. This warranty does not cover physical damage from misuse or accidental damage to the product. Damages caused by improper use include; the improper use of a power supply; the product was misused, such as for purposes outside of the scope intended; components not supplied by Pure Daily Care were used on or in the product; artificial damage, etc., and such damages are not covered by this warranty.- Proof of purchase is required. Registering your warranty guarantees you 12 months of coverage against manufacturer defects of the product. Without this, the return window may be limited to the standard 30 days. If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

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